Monday, June 1, 2009

Monday, June 1

Ok, let's get right to it. I traveled the Alaska Highway for about 16 miles and turned off onto the original Alaska Highway...yeah, it gets confusing. But compare it to the original route 66 in the states. However, much of the original or Pioneer Road, as it was called, is still driveable at least to Fort Nelson. It was upgraded as soon as 1943. Anyway, there remains, and in very good shape, the only remaining wood bridge still in use. Kiskatinaw Bridge. Very impressive.

On a lighter note, I started seeing this sign around Chetwynd (south of Dawson Creek). At first glance, I thought it indicated a mountain range....yeah, yeah...laugh - I sure did. Mountain range yes, but on the road, not scenery. A very important sign along with the red triangles. Just a little humor (very little, I know)

I must say, these Canadians are sure layed back folks...much different than Americans. Non agressive drivers, everyone appears to say within or under the posted speed limits. Also, no sales tax on anything. I don't know what the % of property or income tax is. I know it's a lot to support their social system. Unemployment in British Columbia is over 13% - mainly due to the forest industry slowing down. Partly due to the lack of new construction but also due to the beetle infestation. It's bad in the US, but here is it much, much worse. Entire mountain sides have been destroyed. Radio is horrible....only a couple stations. One is government owned which is ok, but kinda boring since all it is talk-radio. Music is classic rock...and anything current is, obviously, by Canadian artists. Ice Hockey is huge here, no surprise, huh!!

A bit of good news. My sister will be joining me on June 12th. Her orthopedic doc will read the MRI on 6-9. He's sure she will need arthroscopic surgery, but will give her a cortisone cocktail, a brace, and schedule the procedure for July. A month ago the flights into Fairbanks were much less than those into Anchorage. Now, it's the opposite ( might want to check flights for your trip). A minor change to my tentative itinerary. I'll head to Anchorage instead of Fairbanks; meet my sister and we will go from there. She will stay and travel back to Colorado with me (via Alberta Canada). Her son is salmon fishing out of Homer for the summer. His first trip out on his assigned boat brought in 27,000 pounds of sock-eye salmon. We will try and coordinate seeing him depending on his schedule. Plus we want to take the train trip between Anchorage and Fairbanks, and the tour to the Arctic Circle. For the immediate future, I'm all set to head out tomorrow morning. The plan is to get to Fort Nelson. Tons, and tons of history. I did buy a book, pictorial history of the building of the highway - I'll use it as a guide for the historic stuff. (Kathy...I've started your magnet collection....) Ok, I've rambled on long enough. Thanks to all of you for your encouraging comments - all the comments are most appreciated.

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