Monday, April 20, 2009

Preparations Continue

15" wheels and 8 ply trailer tires now on the Pioneer
New tires on the truck - Big O, 10 ply
New equalizer/stabilizer hitch on truck.
Reorganized and rearranged the trailer. Removed stuff not used to lessen some weight
Truck box for bed of truck purchased and will be installed this week
Yet to buy: new digital SLR camera
Initial itinerary is done
I continue to read everything I can re: British Columbia, Yukon and of course Alaska

Saturday, April 11, 2009

4 Weekends to Go

Raining today, Sat. Can't say AZ doesn't need it. Been working on my itinerary and going thru all the books I have. Very enjoyable, really. I am almost done rearranging and reorganizing my trailer. I have been able to lighten the load and get things rearranged. Needed to be done - my trip to Alaska makes it a necessity.