Sunday, August 2, 2009


Well, my journey has come to a close. It is back to the reality of work tomorrow. My trip was intimidating, and at times frightening -- but also the most thrilling, wonderful, and rewarding as anything I have ever done.

Like I mentioned in an earlier blog, I am planning my next trip back to Alaska next year. So much yet to see and do. I intend to keep this blog going...adding info and pictures of weekend trips between now and when I get vacation time again beginning in January.

Thanks for following along...your comments were (and are) always welcome.

From Durango - Round trip to Silverton and back.

I was in the last car of this train

North Rim of Grand Canyon...road to Pt. Imperial and Cape Royal

From the lodge

From a hike I took


  1. Hi, I enjoyed reading about your trip to Alaska, thanks for posting it along with the great pictures.
    Chris in Indiana

  2. What a great story about your Alaska trip. I was really surprised to see you have a picture of the "Alaska Highway" sign...we have one on our website too! Loved all your photos.

  3. Thank you for recording your journey to Alaska as a solo woman RVer!

    Great photos and descriptions.

    I hope to make the eastern route trip next summer.

    (I found your blog from a comment on CrusinSusan's blog.)


